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Strategic Planning Goals & Objectives

Goal I.   Integrated technology systems, equipment and services that enable faculty to enhance teaching and learning, facilitate academic advisement, conduct research, perform service and extend the global reach of the University.
Strategy 1. Utilize Instructional technologies that foster academic distinction through enhancement of teaching and learning, improving access and engagement, and building information literacy. (Promote Academic Excellence)

Strategy 2. Provide technology resources that support faculty in scholarship and research. (Promote Academic Excellence)

Strategy 3. Improve academic advisement through the use of information technology. (Enhance Student Success)

Strategy 4. Use technology to extend the global reach of the University to provide opportunities for faculty and students to access the University and collaborate through regional, national and international channels. (Enhance Student Success)

Goal 2 Technology, information resources and support services for students that enrich learning, encourages collaboration, facilitates communication, expands access and promotes personal development as 21st century world citizens.
Strategy 5. Enhance learning, improve access, expand collaboration opportunities, and build information literacy. (Student Centered University)

Strategy 6. Promote technology that creates opportunities for trans-cultural learning among American and international students. (Enhance Student Success)

III. Technology and services that facilitates the exchange of information, builds relationships and encourages participation within the University Community including the alumni, fosters partnerships with state and private enterprise, and supports philanthropic endeavors.
Strategy 7. Develop and implement a web information services strategy.
(Student Centered University)

Strategy 8. Collaborate with University System, State, local and private entities to bring about new technological capabilities and efficiencies of service.
(Private and Public Partnerships)

IV. Systems and processes that utilize appropriate technologies to securely, efficiently and effectively deliver the highest level of service to the University community;
Strategy 9. Build and manage a technical services and training plan that supports the effective use of current technology applications and new initiatives.
(Ensure Fiscal Sustainability)

Strategy 10. Improve business processes through application of technology and process improvement methodologies. (Ensure Fiscal Sustainability)

Strategy 11. Security and risk management policies, plans and systems that guide the University community, minimize risks and protect the University’s assets from threats and loss. (Ensure Fiscal Sustainability)

Strategy 12. Standardize and integrate IT systems that serve similar functions across academic and administrative units. (Ensure Fiscal Sustainability)

Strategy 13. Implement an IT human resources strategy that seeks to attract, develop and retain technical staff who demonstrates superior technical competency, skills and attitudes. (Ensure Fiscal Sustainability)

V. Technology infrastructure that supports the University Master Plan, is technically current, highly reliable, resilient to loss, flexible to changing needs, and fully maintained;
Strategy 14. Acquire or upgrade systems to improve business process and ensure compliance with all federal, state and University policies and procedures.
(Ensure Fiscal Sustainability)

Strategy 15. Develop an asset stewardship strategy for tracking and maintaining the technical currency of the University’s technology assets. (Technology Advancement)

Strategy 16. Develop and maintain technology infrastructure that is resilient, reliable and flexible. (Ensure Fiscal Sustainability)

Strategy 17. Utilize technology that contributes to the conservation of energy resources and reduce the institution’s greenhouse gas emissions. (Ensure Fiscal Sustainability)

VI. Ongoing technology planning at all levels that foster continuous improvement by creating transparent processes, establish clear priorities, create measurable objectives, assess outcomes and inform the University community.
Strategy 18. Develop and implement an enhanced database reporting strategy.
(Ensure Student Success)

Strategy 19. Promulgate the established project methodology, tools and training throughout the university to foster a culture of effective technology project planning and management. (Ensure Student Success)

Strategy 20. Develop and maintain IT policies that serve to educate and guide the University Community on new problems and issues created by technology.
(Student Centered University)

Strategy 21. Exercise a technology planning strategy that continuously assesses progress, clarifies tactics and implements new initiatives in support of the University Strategic Plan. (Student Centered University)

Read the full plan

Last updated: 11/11/2013